Sunday, May 29, 2011

Introducing - Tricia Cline

There is just SO much art out there in this wide world and on the world wide web.  So much good and yes, so much not so good art.  Its hard to not become anesthetized to images in general when there are so many images that are reminiscent and familiar.  So when you stumble upon an image that awakens something within you it feels as if you are discovering a hidden treasure.

Please let me introduce you to a most recent discovery - sculptor Tricia Cline.  After reading a bit of her thoughts behind her work and process, I all of a sudden feel too inarticulate to describe what it is that I find so compelling in her work.  Instead, I think the images will speak volumes on their own.

Exile of the Deer, 25" x 12" x 12", Porcelain, 2008   

To Bend and To Bow, 20" x 10" x 10", Porcelain, 2010

Fancy Ratus, 24" x 8" x 10", Porcelain, 2005 

There are many many more works shown on Tricia Cline's website that you can find by clicking HERE.  One of my favorite quotes from her statement page is below.  Enjoy!

"Here in the west art has been glorified as a product of the ego, as personal revelation, this couldn't be less true, art comes from beyond the personal, from the transcendent whisper that is ever present to everyone (and every thing), and therefore there is really nothing personal about it. So the images that come to us are not based on ideas out of mind, the images that come are transcendent guests - friends - that we develop ongoing relationships with."


  1. Well said. And her work is stunning. Genuinely graceful. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love what she writes about her work. I especially connect with the idea of direct observation of an image without interpretation. This idea has a totemic and spiritual feeling. I have got to learn how to write about my work.

  3. Glad you like her work Kim and Kyle!!
