Monday, September 14, 2009

Southern Draw'l

Figure Studies, oil on panel, 12" x 9"

Once a month since June, I have been hosting a shared model experience in my studio for some wonderful artists that I've become fast friends with. We happen to be all women, but it's just by chance, not so much by choice. Some of us draw, or some paint depending on the mood. I haven't taken any 'in studio' shots of the group, but perhaps next weekend they will allow me to. I would like to share with you links to some of their sites because they have been so supportive of me, and their work deserves a good look. In no particular order: Kiki Farish does these amazingly complex graphite on panel drawings that usually incorporate text in a sometimes hidden way; Jill Eberle is a Fine Arts teacher at East Carolina University and does some wonderful figurative paintings; Diane Feissel is another Massachusetts transplant to the Raleigh area via San Francisco, who paints beautiful animals and figures on patterned fabrics; Lisa Beth Robinson, another ECU teacher and uber detailed book artist and print maker (who doesn't work from the figure), often comes for our after chats, critiques and yummy food; and our other artist friend Jackie Ogden, draws and paints the figure in a wonderfully expressive, over sized manner but she unfortunately, doesn't have a website to share (get ON that Jackie!)

For me, its the experience of these days that is most rewarding. I never get 'finished' paintings from these sessions, but having the opportunity to paint the figure directly from observation and to share thoughts and ideas with hilarious folks is always a gift. I so enjoy my Southern Draw'l Saturdays.


  1. i like to see the unfinished parts too .

  2. I'm so flattered to be posted to your site! Can't wait to see these done (and you WILL finish them, won't you?)!


  3. Caio, I know what you mean. I really enjoy looking at paintings that reveal at least a bit of the process (best example would be any of Sargent's work).

    Narender, thank you for your having a look around.

    Cavaticat, (aka, the Top Model above) I'm so happy to paint you. And Yes, these will be finished a bit more. I'll try to post my progress so others can see it as well.

  4. Atelier Middelmann, Thank you so much! They are now a bit less unfinished as I've had the opportunity to have both the models return for another session. Perhaps, I'll even want one more. These little studies have turned into more finished little nude paintings, for better or worse. I'll post some picts soon. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. :)
